Using Virtual Care to Facilitate Direct Hospital Admissions in Outpatients with Worsening COVID-19 Infection
Virtual care has emerged as an important method in delivering health care, for patients both with and without COVID-19 infection.1 Although most outpatients with COVID-19 infection will recover at home, 4–8% will experience clinical deterioration requiring presentation to the emergency department (ED) for admission to hospital.2,3 Recognizing an already overburdened ED at our institution, we identified an opportunity for virtual care to help triage and facilitate direct hospital admission in outpatients with COVID-19 and clinical deterioration. Doing so would allow outpatients to bypass the ED thereby improving patient flow, reducing redundant medical assessments (and health care worker exposure), minimizing handover, and improving patient-centered care.
The implementation of virtual care during the COVID-19 pandemic has been well described in the literature,1,4–6 but the evaluation of such a model, specifically as it relates to facilitating direct hospital admission, has not been described to our knowledge. We report a 15-month cohort where a patient-centered virtual care program was used to bypass the ED and facilitate direct hospital admission for outpatients with worsening COVID-19 infection.
Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre (SHSC) is a 678-bed academic health sciences center located in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. The first case of COVID-19 in Canada was diagnosed at our institution in January 2020.7 In March 2020, the COVID-19 expansion to outpatients (COVIDEO) virtual care program launched to provide education, counseling, and follow-up care for outpatients diagnosed with COVID-19 at SHSC.8 The model was staffed primarily by infectious diseases physicians, nurse practitioners, and family physicians.
The program consisted of an initial standardized assessment with follow-up assessments scheduled based on the patient’s risk of developing worsening disease. Telephone was the main virtual care modality used in this program. Pulse oximeters were proactively delivered to select high-risk patients, (>65 years of age, significant comorbidities, or cardiorespiratory symptoms)3 and all virtual encounters documented in the electronic medical record (EMR).
Within the first month of COVIDEO launching, the opportunity for this program to facilitate direct admissions and bypass the ED was identified. Criteria for direct admissions were developed through collaborative discussions between the COVIDEO team, the Division of General Internal Medicine, and COVID-19 inpatient ward team. Outpatients deemed appropriate for direct admission were patients with an oxygen saturation consistently <92% without severe respiratory distress. Oxygen saturations <92% have been associated with increased morbidity and mortality in the setting of pneumonia and is a generally accepted threshold for initiating oxygen supplementation.9
Outpatients excluded from this pathway included those for whom private transportation to hospital was logistically impossible or unsafe, as well as those with fulminant deterioration requiring immediate transfer by emergency medical services. Other reasons for direct admission were discussed with the admitting hospitalist on a case-by-case basis. To facilitate the rapid identification of patients who would potentially require hospitalization, patients were advised to contact the on-call COVIDEO physician through a pager (available 24 h a day, 7 days a week), in the event of worsening symptoms (such as chest pain or shortness of breath) or oxygen saturation persistently <92%.
The decision to directly admit a patient was shared between the COVIDEO physician and admitting hospitalist, and was based on whether in-hospital diagnostic tests or treatments (such as intravenous fluids or supplemental oxygen) were needed, whether these treatments could be delivered as an outpatient, and whether the patient could be safely and reliably supported at home. Once a patient was deemed appropriate for this pathway, telephone handover from the COVIDEO on-call physician and admitting hospitalist was given and COVIDEO EMR documentation reviewed. The hospitalist then informed the COVID-19 ward to ensure a bed was available for hospital admission.
Patients were advised by the COVIDEO on-call physician to arrange private transportation to hospital utilizing infection control best practices (such as performing hand hygiene before entering the vehicle, wearing a mask, and sitting in the backseat with windows rolled down), and to remain in their vehicle outside a designated hospital entrance. Upon arrival, the patient (or family) called the COVID-19 ward to inform the nursing team leader of their arrival.
A nurse wearing appropriate personal protective equipment would meet the patients at their vehicle and transport them to the COVID-19 ward. Upon arrival to the ward, the patient was assessed by the hospitalist and admission orders were completed. If no hospital beds were available, the patient was advised to seek care at the closest ED or call paramedic services. This situation was encountered only a few times during the study period.
To assess the impact of the intervention, demographic information, reason for direct admission, treatments employed in hospital, need for ICU transfer, length of hospital stay, and clinical outcome were collected for each patient directly admitted to hospital. Descriptive statistics were used to characterize the cohort. This study met criteria for exemption of research ethics review based on our institutional process for confirming that the project involved quality improvement and not human subject research.
From March 1, 2020, to May 31, 2021, 9,116 patients were managed by the COVIDEO program. During this period, 164 (1.8%) outpatients followed by the COVIDEO program were hospitalized at SHSC due to clinical deterioration, of whom 83 (50.6%) were directly admitted to the COVID-19 ward. Clinical characteristics of the 83 patients directly admitted to hospital are outlined in Table 1. Ten (12.0%) of these patients required transfer to ICU, occurring a median time of 4 days from hospital admission. No patients required transfer to ICU within the first 48 h of hospitalization. The overall mortality rate in this cohort was 3.6% (3/83).
Demographic characteristics | |
Age (years, IQR) | 58 (48, 74) |
Gender (% male) | 47 (56.6) |
Access to outpatient pulse oximeter | 83 (100) |
Median time from symptom onset to hospital admission (days, IQR) | 9 (7.5, 10) |
Reason for direct hospital admissiona | |
Hypoxia | 69 (83.1) |
Volume depletion | 11 (13.3) |
Delirium | 3 (3.6) |
Chest pain | 2 (2.4) |
Treatments administeredb | |
Supplemental oxygen | 59 (71.1) |
Dexamethasone | 58 (70.0) |
Remdesivir | 19 (22.9) |
Tocilizumab | 8 (9.6) |
Median length of hospitalization (days, IQR) | 4 (2, 8) |
The number of patients directly admitted to hospital fluctuated based on each wave of the pandemic, with few direct admissions occurring between waves (Fig. 1). Twenty-six direct admissions occurred in April 2021 that corresponded to the peak of the third wave in the province.

Fig. 1. Weekly frequency of new COVID-19 outpatient assessments (left y-axis) and direct hospital admissions (right y-axis) from March 1, 2020, to May 31, 2021. Dotted vertical lines correspond to the corresponding peak COVID-19 case counts in the province of Ontario.
Use of a virtual care model to rapidly identify outpatients with worsening COVID-19 infection and facilitate direct hospital admissions led to a safe, efficient, timely, and patient-centered pathway that off-loaded the ED. No patients required ICU transfer within 48 h of hospitalization which suggested that the patients chosen for this pathway were of the appropriate illness severity.
We suspect that the reduction in the number of COVID-19 presentations to our ED also led to decreased health care worker exposures to patients with COVID-19 infection and reduced the potential for person-to-person transmission of virus in the ED waiting room. Although the use of virtual care for the outpatient management of COVID-19 and chronic diseases has been well established,4–6 this is to our knowledge the first report describing the implementation and impact of virtual care in facilitating direct hospital admissions.
The success of this pathway required engagement of key stakeholders (hospitalists, bed flow management services, and nursing) to ensure consensus was reached on which patients were most appropriate and safe for admission to a medical ward, and the responsibilities each team member had when the pathway is activated. A shared EMR system by the outpatient virtual care program and hospital was also key in helping to facilitate communication during transitions of care. Identifying patients who were at high risk of developing severe disease (e.g., those >65 years of age, significant comorbidities, or cardiorespiratory symptoms) allowed us to proactively deliver an oximeter and minimized instances where patients without an oximeter contacted us with acutely worsening symptoms.
Utilization of the direct hospital admission pathway fluctuated according to the three waves observed in Ontario. We suspect that the limited understanding of the natural history, risk factors for severe disease, and management of COVID-19 early in the pandemic resulted in some patients being directly admitted to hospital for close monitoring. Over time, comfort in the outpatient monitoring and management of COVID-19 led to a higher threshold for hospital admission and proportionally fewer direct admissions. However, there was a large increase in direct admissions during the third wave (April to May 2021) that coincided with the alpha (B.1.1.7) variant becoming the predominant strain.10 We suspect that this variant of concern resulted in higher rates of severe COVID-19 disease and the need for hospitalization.
Although the COVIDEO program was able to facilitate direct hospital admissions for a large proportion of patients with worsening symptoms, we recognize there are limitations to this model. First, we were unable to provide this service to those who could not arrange their own transportation to hospital. For these patients, we remained dedicated to ensuring equitable access to care, by helping them contact paramedic services if a medical assessment or hospitalization was required. Second, we acknowledge that imperfect pulse oximeter readings likely impacted decisions to admit.
For example, of the 69 patients referred for admission due to hypoxia (oximeter reading <92%), only 59 (85.5%) required treatment with supplemental oxygen. We suspect there were a small proportion of patients with borderline low oxygen saturations that self-resolved with supportive care. We feel that these patients still likely benefited from hospitalization through close monitoring during their highest risk period for deterioration. Finally, the success of this program was dependent on the availability of an on-call physician who could respond to urgent pager alerts from patients. The ability for a virtual care program to facilitate hospital admissions may not be feasible without a rotating schedule of health care providers willing to answer pager alerts throughout the day.
Although we are hopeful that the decline in COVID-19 cases will eventually negate the need for this specific pathway, virtual care and remote monitoring will continue to thrive postpandemic. The use of virtual care to facilitate direct hospital admission may be potentially applicable to other diseases wherein clear criteria for hospitalization can be coupled with objective remote patient assessments.
Disclosure Statement
No competing financial interests exist.
Funding Information
No funding was received for this article.
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