Proven Practices: Positive Patient ID Drives Improvements in Mobile Clinical Care

The ability to be mobile and seamlessly access the right patient’s record at the right time is paramount for today’s mobile patients and the clinicians who must depend on technology to help determine correct diagnosis, treatment and medication dosage. The seamless, accurate exchange of health information with other care providers affiliated with a patient’s care (e.g. primary care physician, specialists, the lab, the pharmacy, radiology, etc.) is key. Given that mobility is one of the primary drivers for health information exchange (HIE), it takes an advanced patient ID solution to ensure the delivery of the right treatment to the right patient at the right time, based on the right exchange of patient data.  
This webinar will address how the ability to accurately access patient records anywhere across the healthcare enterprise and the ability to leverage positive patient ID technology must correlate in order to improve care delivery and reduce the potential for medical errors, which ultimately put healthcare delivery organizations at grave risk from a clinical, quality and regulatory compliance standpoint and inhibit the path to value-based care. It will also highlight how the need to identity proof the various stakeholders in patient care has been increasing in importance over the past few years, what that means, and how, for some healthcare organizations, identity proofing has been seen as a way to help deter medical identity theft among their patient population.

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