How telehealth devices can complement virtual care

In the last few years, many companies have begun to integrate telehealth technology into healthcare devices. These devices, aimed at remote patient monitoring or biometric tracking, can provide physicians with important information and context during a video visit, and allow consumers to use telehealth for many different healthcare needs.

Here are a few notable telehealth devices that have integrated telehealth technology to better the patient and provider experience:

  • Tyto Care: Tyto’s health devices, built for remote patient monitoring, allow patients to conduct in-home medical examinations during a telehealth visit with a physician. These all-in-one devices include a built-in thermometer and camera for taking pictures and videos; stethoscope; otoscope; and tongue depressor attachments for examining the heart, lungs, abdomen, ears, nose and throat.
  • Amwell’s telehealth kiosk: Telehealth kiosks can be used in office, retail and hospital settings to
    help patients access high-quality care while simultaneously reducing healthcare costs. The telehealth kiosks include a variety of peripheral devices such as an otoscope, stethoscope and blood pressure cuff.

  • Apple Health Kit: Patients can share key health metrics such as heart rate and blood pressure, as well as nutrition and fitness information with a doctor through their iPhone device. This information can then be shared with the doctor during a video visit.
  • 19Labs: 19Labs has created a smart first aid kit, which includes medical supplies, interactive first aid guides , phone capabilities (to call family, friends or help), and now, with the implementation of Amwell’s mobile SDK, telehealth. The device, Gale, is perfect for schools, homes and work sites.

Telehealth devices like these directly complement the types of conditions and use cases consumers envision for telehealth. In fact, an Amwell survey found that of those willing to have a doctor visit, 60% would want to use virtual visits to manage a chronic condition. This is extremely important as 1 in 2 U.S adults have a chronic condition such as diabetes or heart disease.[1] Devices like a Tyto device or an iPhone with Apple Health Kit can track a patient’s biometrics and allow for a more informed check-in with their provider via telehealth.

The consumer survey also found that consumers prefer telehealth for its convenience.  Over three quarters of those willing to have a video visit would like to use it for the minor routine need of a prescription refill. Telehealth devices like kiosks, Tyto and 19Labs Gale offer consumers a convenient way to see a physician for these types of needs, while still providing vital clinical information and history.

To read more on consumer perspectives and experiences with telehealth, download the full Telehealth Index: 2017 Consumer Survey here.

[1] Telehealth Primer: Chronic Care Management, The Advisory Board Company, September 2015

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