Abstract 262: The Impact of Social Determinants of Health on Heart Failure Readmission in a Veteran Population: A Single Center Study

Background: Chronic heart failure (CHF) affects more than 5 million Americans and accounts for approximately 1 million hospitalizations annually. Readmission in CHF patients is associated with higher mortality and consumes a significant portion of hospital resources. Readmission rates may be higher when socioeconomic factors limit medication compliance and follow-up. In light of the high prevalence of CHF and the penalties associated with readmission rates, our study aims to identify factors that place our veterans with CHF at higher risk for readmission and in so doing, develop a profile for patients with a high risk of readmission that will benefit from focused intervention. Our goal is to use the information acquired in this study to reduce CHF readmission in the Miami VAMC by 10% over a 12-month period.

Methods: This is an ongoing retrospective study conducted at the Miami VAMC. The Strategic Analysis for Improvement and Learning (SAIL) report was used to identify patients with CHF who were admitted to the Miami VAMC over fiscal year 2019 (FY19), the period from September 2018 to August 2019. Data was collected on various clinical baseline characteristics and social determinants of health from the patients’ electronic health records for those admitted as well as for those with recurrent admissions within FY19. Using a previously validated questionnaire, identified patients will undergo further interview, in person or by phone, to identify social factors that may place them at higher risk for readmission.

Results/Anticipated Results: A total of 185 patients were admitted during FY19 and of these, 38 had recurrent admissions. The mean time to readmission was 82 days. 76% of the patients readmitted had heart failure with reduced ejection fraction. Multiple co-morbidities were seen in the readmitted group, the commonest being hypertension (82%), diabetes (63%) and chronic kidney disease (39%). Thirty percent of those readmitted had a history of illicit drug use compared to 26% of those who were not readmitted. This population was also found to have multiple psychiatric co-morbidities – depression, anxiety and post-traumatic stress disorder. The odds of having one or more readmission within 12 months was 25% greater in those with psychiatric illness than in those without.

Conclusion: Preliminary data analysis shows that psycho-social factors may play a role in recurrent admission in CHF patients. Further data will be collected to determine the impact of factors such as housing, education level and income on readmission risk so that patients at high risk can be identified and targeted with improved care co-ordination services to reduce this risk. As a unified health system, the VAMC is uniquely equipped with resources to address these disparities.

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