Abstract 392: Incidence Of Paroxysmal Supraventricular Tachycardia In The United States
Background: Paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia (PSVT) encompasses a range of heart rhythm disorders that lead to abrupt increases in heart rate. Given its episodic nature, PSVT can be difficult to capture in a clinical setting. Therefore, estimating incidence of PSVT is challenging and thus limited data is available on the incidence of this disease.
Objective: Estimate the incidence of PSVT within the United States in contemporary practice.
Methods: Using claims, enrollment, and demographic data from the IBM Marketscan® Commercial Research Database (<65y) and the Medicare Limited Dataset (≥65y), individuals enrolled in health plans for at least 5 continuous years from 2008-2016 were identified. Patients having claims with a PSVT diagnosis (ICD-9: 427.0; ICD-10 I47.1) on 2+ outpatient visits, 1+ ED visit, or 1+ inpatient admission were included in the analysis. Only patients receiving an initial diagnosis of PSVT in year 5 of continuous enrollment were included in the incidence calculation in order to avoid including prevalent cases. Incidence was projected to the US population based on the 2018 US census data.
Results: Among 18,057,297 patients, 86,614 met PSVT criteria. Incidence rates were higher in female and older patients. Within the 18-44y group, the incidence rate was 1.9-fold higher for females as compared to males. Overall incidence rate per 100,000 was 79.1 and 107.2 for males and females respectively (Table). Projected to the 2018 US Census, there were 305,548 incident PSVT cases in 2018.
Conclusion: There were over 305,000 incident cases of PSVT in 2018 with higher rates in female and older patients. Further studies are needed to understand practice patterns in management of PSVT, given the high incidence of this disease.