Employee Spotlight – Amwell

Name: Mike Lemovitz

Title: Director, Client Relations

Department: Account Management

State Date: July 7, 2014

What were you doing before you joined Amwell?

Before I came to Amwell, I was working in marketing at Reliant Medical Group, which is a large, multi-specialty group practice out in Central Massachusetts.  I handled much of their social media marketing, photography, video production, and website.  Over the course of my three years there, I became much more focused on reaching existing patients and helping them utilize Reliant’s services as efficiently as possible.  As I learned more about the underlying purpose of those communications, I became very interested in healthcare innovation.

What attracted you to Amwell?

With this new interest in healthcare innovation, I found myself wanting to find a smaller, higher-tech company where I could work with a variety of different health systems and help them on their “innovation journey.”  I saw a Health System Marketing Manager position available at Amwell and threw my hat in the ring.  A month later, I found myself helping develop communications for organizations like Cleveland Clinic, Carolinas HealthCare System, and others.

What other positions have you held here? Tell us a little bit about your Amwell journey.

As I mentioned, I started at Amwell as a Health System Marketing Manager.  I held that position for about 15 months, and really enjoyed it.  It wasn’t long after starting, though, that I found myself dialed in on more of the overall telehealth strategy versus solely marketing and communications.  When a position as Director, Health System Solutions was posted, I knew that it was a great position to really help clients succeed.

What are your hobbies outside of work?

Being a part of an organization that is growing as quickly as Amwell means that family time is precious, so most of my time away from work is spent with my wife, or my two (soon to be three) daughters.  You might also find me playing guitar, riding motorcycles with my dad, or flying around Massachusetts in the Piper Cherokee I share with some friends.  Of course, I’m always up for hanging out on the couch with my girls and my dog, Walter, and taking in some Frasier re-runs, House of Cards, or whatever else we find on Netflix.

What are your thoughts on the ways healthcare is changing and what we can expect to see in the future?

For such a historically slow-moving industry, I’m excited by the commitment many of our clients have to constant forward progress.  Most of what holds many organizations back from being extremely innovative, in my opinion, is the need to “keep the lights on” within the boundaries of their existing business models.  Fortunately, improving technology, increasing payer support, reimbursement mandates, and growing consumer awareness of telehealth is pointing the industry in the right direction.  I strongly believe that these factors will lead us to a place where all interactions with the healthcare system will be far more convenient for patients and providers alike in the long term.

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